When it comes to door painting, we all think that it is an easy task. Amateur painters will be especially guided with this thought. This will lead to a terrible job and a waste of money and time. However, professional painters know a secret or two about painting doors. They will follow these guidelines, and you will get a neat and smooth door. What is the secret? In this article, we will try to discover what tricks the professional painters are using. You can then practice on your own door and soon enough, you’ll master the trick.
Painting doors are like painting walls. You will need a detailed preparation before starting the task. Get some nice quality tools that you will be using, and get paint. Keep the paint in one places, and be sure that it doesn’t dry.
The next step is to clean the door. Use warm water and some soap to remove the dust and dirt. Check for any cracks and holes, and use caulk to close them. After the caulk is dry, use the sandpaper to make the surface flat. It is very important to remove the cracked paint because it can ruin your work. Remove all the metal parts of the door, because you can stain them.
This also works for the door frame. Be sure to clean it with water and soap. After that check for holes and cracks, and sand the whole thing. This will make your door frame prepared for some serious painting.
After you are sure that everything is clean and smooth, you can begin with the painting process.
The frame
After you removed the door from its place, put it to lie horizontally. This way you will stop terrible drippings that you can get if you paint them vertically. Every professional knows that trick.
Before painting the door, you should paint the door frame. With this approach, you will evade unintentional brush markings. Start from the edges, and be sure that you have a cloth underneath the door frame to prevent dripping. This is also useful because your brush won’t have a contact with any dust.
The edges of the door frame must always be painted before the face of the door. Use the painters tape before you begin with the painting to protect the surrounding area. One of the most common mistakes of the amateurs is the stains caused by unintentional brush movements. These things can ruin your whole work. Use tape to avoid them.
You will also need to protect the floor while painting the door frame. However, you cannot use the tape here, so you will need nylon or a cloth to put it on the floor. You can even place some old newspapers and tape them so they don’t move. However, the cloth is the best choice because it will absorb all the paint.
When everything is settled, you can begin with painting. Use brushes of various sizes to cover the angles and the sides of the door frames. This is the first task for you because you can then easily paint the inside surfaces. Remember to always start from the top. This will create a possibility of removing the drips. Since you are painting from the top, it is logical that paint will drip downwards. You will have a chance to fix these mistakes as you are lowering your painting area, which would be impossible if you start from the bottom.
After you’ve finished with the corners and sides, take a wider brush or a roller and do the inside sections. It is better to begin from the top part. This is the most difficult part of painting so it’s better that you deal with it first. Use the brush for this one, because it allows you greater movement. Follow the traits in the wood and paint along them. This will create a harmony between the paint and the traits.
The next step is to deal with the sides of the inside of the frame. This is the last step and the easiest one. Again, start from the top and go downwards. Watch for the top part because you can add some unintentional brush markings. Don’t worry too much about the sides of the door frame that you painted in the first place. You cannot do them much damage.
When you’ve painted all parts of the door frame, go get yourself a cup of coffee, and leave the frame for 24 hours to dry. When the paint is dry, use some soft sandpaper and gently sand the whole door frame. This will remove all uneven parts and make everything smooth. After you’ve sanded everything repeats the painting action and leave it again to dry.
The door
When you are finished with the door frame, start with the door. You already have them lying on a piece of cloth, so there is no need to worry about drippings. Do as you did with the door frame. Paint the sides and edges first. Use a small brush and try to do the proper work. After that, you can take a larger brush or a roller to fill in the larger parts of the door.
If you have a door that has a frame on them, paint these parts first. Follow the lines in the wood, and cover everything with your brush. When you finished with this frame, use a roller to fill in the central space of the door. However, if you have a flat door that doesn’t have any decorations on it, you can paint them like you are painting the wall.
Leave the door to dry for 24 hours. When they are dry, you can turn them and paint the other side the same way.
Painting doors and door frames might sound like a simple thing to do. However, various things can go wrong and ruin your work. That’s why we have given to you some tricks that professional painters do. Paint the frame first and then the door. Be sure to work on the clean surface and watch for drippings. When the first coat is dry, sand it and put another one, and that’s the whole thing.